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The Importance of NEVER Missing a Business Call!
We can all agree on the premise that without customers, you don’t have a business, right? And the key to a successful business is giving customers an exceptional service every single time they buy from you or contact you. And this isn’t just general common knowledge. There are companies that spend their time researching and… read more
Why Multiple numbers are great for any business sizes.
I understand that most businesses would only consider one telephone number for their business. Why would you need another number right? Well…… you would be surprised how much having multiple number can help your business. Receive more calls Most customers like to trade with local companies and feel a personal connection with them. So how… read more
Why not use the SwitchboardFREE app for your business?
We understand more, now than ever what a fast-paced life we all live in. We want to be able to carry on our everyday life on the go, whether its grabbing a coffee or ordering that pair of shoes on next day delivery. With our free app for Android and iOS, you can do it… read more
What is VoIP? Make Sense Of Confusing Phone Acronyms Here!
The fact that a common Google question is What is VoIP? Only highlights that in a world where language is changing. Words are becoming mere first letters and it’s so confusing at times. With text messages boasting ‘textese’ (yes it has a name) such as IDK, ISWYM, PMSL & LOLS and emojis acting as hieroglyphs… read more
Here’s Why Call Recording Is a Bonus For Any Business
It wasn’t too long ago when call recording was only accessible to corporates and larger companies due to its eye-watering cost. Now, thanks to advances in technology and VoIP, call recording is widely available and offered by most call management providers. If you’re a business owner who has never had the opportunity to use call… read more
What exactly is VoIP
VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol which simply means having a phone service over the internet. VoIP offers increased functionality compared to traditional phone lines which are why businesses are moving to VoIP. It is predicted that the VoIP market will increase to a whopping £144.7 billion by 2020! Benefits of VoIP So now… read more
SwitchboardFREE has had a fantastic start to 2019 with it only getting better…
Since we first launched our product in 2005 we have continued to improve and develop the service to ensure it continually meets the need of our customers. Not only do we make noticeable changes, we continue making those smaller changes that benefit customers without realising and support our customer service staff to ensure they can… read more
Audio Branding explained
What is it? Audio Branding can be a mix of both music and messages for your caller to listen to whilst they are on hold. Why would you need it? We all know that there is plenty of competition for any business, so you need to make sure that your business stands out from… read more
Separate your business from your competitors
One of the easiest and most inexpensive business hacks will instantly separate you from your competitors! Companies are constantly fighting for the top spot online and spend thousands of pounds on marketing their business, but are they missing a trick? Think about how Google works…most consumers will turn to Google when looking for a new… read more
How much is a missed call costing you?
Missed calls cost you more than you think! Never has there been a time when there are so many methods for customer to contact a company, email, social media and other digital methods. Ultimately a customer still wants to be able to reach a company by telephone. Being able to communicate via telephone is reassuring… read more