The Importance of never missing a business call
A business cannot function without customers. Even now, in the time of web browsing and the internet, 75% of business revenue for small to medium sized businesses is created from telephone calls [1]. Therefore, a business that continually loses or misses custom due to missed or unanswered calls will either cease to exist, or at… read more
The recent BBC series Turn Back Time – The High Street, highlighted how customers preferred the ‘personal touch’ from businesses. In the digital age, we don’t all have shops, see customers face-to-face or rely on word of mouth to promote products. However, there are ways of making the most of advertising and at the same… read more
Top 10 free ways to beat the recession and start your own business
With threats of job losses and redundancies being broadcast almost daily, there seems to be little else on the horizon except for more disheartening stories about our fragile job market. But don’t reach for the Prozac just yet, there might be great opportunity buried beneath all that doom and gloom. We’ve all toyed with the… read more