Excellent! You’ve Got a Virtual Business Number – So Now What?

July 31st, 2023

Owning a virtual business number is a great step towards building your brand. But just you knowing you have it isn’t going to bring you any new business. Neither is it helpful to your existing customers who currently have your old number. You’ve got to get that new virtual business number out there for all to see!

The question is, where should you put your number to have the best chance of being noticed by your potential and existing customers. Research is always a great idea, but you’ve probably not got time for that. If only someone else could do that for you…

Whose going to help do the research on where to display your new virtual business number, when you don't have the time?

Consider it done!

Below is a list of places you should be displaying and promoting your new virtual business number. We advise utilising them all if you can. 

If you’re not sure how to change or add your virtual business number on any of the below, just click on one of your choosing and it will take you to a handy walkthrough.

That's the full list!

Ensuring that you list your business and contact details in as many places as possible, can lead to up to 90% of your customers being able to find you instantly, and an increase of 38% in incoming calls. 

To help you go through all the above, we’ve created a handy FREE tick list for you below.

Bonus Business Tools 

Having efficient call management and a phone number that exudes professionalism is a great way to start and establish your business. And you needn’t stop there! There are lots of other tools that could be beneficial to you and your customers.

The internet is full of products, services and software that will make your business run smoothly and make your life much easier. The question is, how do you sift through all the information and find the right service or software for you? And where do you find the time?

There's just not enough time.

We’ve got you

You don’t need to find any additional time as we’ve done the work for you. To help you make quick and informed decisions, we’ve put together our favourite three in each of the below categories.

Just click any of the topics to find out more and easily compare.

  • Accountancy tools
  • Business bank accounts
  • Payment merchants…coming soon
  • Business design tools…coming soon
  • CRM’s…coming soon
  • E-commerce software…coming soon
  • Business productivity tools…coming soon
  • Printed products & marketing…coming soon
  • Business AI tools…coming soon

If you found this helpful, then you’ll love our soon-to-be-published newsletter which will be filled with all sorts of business tips, news and real-life experiences. You can sign up using the button below.

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