Archive for the ‘Business Tips’ Category

Help! What’s a VoIP Phone System & How Does It Work? [Updated 2024]

March 3rd, 2023

Wondering what VoIP is & why your business needs it? Read this blog for all the answers.

A Guide to Local Area Codes

January 23rd, 2023

Are you thinking about getting a local phone number for your business? Use this helpful guide to find the local area code for every UK city and town. What is a UK Local Area Code? Also known as a caller code, a local area code is a unique prefix belonging to a specific UK area…. read more

Christmas Checklist: Get your phone lines ready for the holiday season

December 7th, 2022

It’s official, the countdown to the holidays has begun! With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to start prepping your business communications. December and January are set to be one of the busiest times of the year and it’s fast approaching, one of the last things on your mind right now will be assembling… read more

4 Ways Cloud-Tech Improves Remote Working

November 23rd, 2022

Employee work-from-home productivity is a natural cause for concern. Kids are ever demanding, the television is distracting, and the very idea of being home evokes a sense of relaxation; but tech makes it not only possible but better! Due to global situations, it has become even more apparent over the last few years that tech… read more

Why Flexible Working is Important and How VoIP Can Help

February 10th, 2022

In light of the COVID pandemic, the need for a better work-life balance has been far more prominent. Flexible working, remote working, or telecommuting; whatever you call it, the demand for flexible working hours is growing. While some job roles are not suitable for flexible working, many businesses are under the pressure to meet the… read more

Why SwitchboardFREE is the Better Choice for Businesses

January 7th, 2022

VoIP systems are essential for any business and knowing which provider to choose can be difficult. Without careful research, business owners often end up with an over-priced and poor-quality service. Choosing the right business virtual number provider and plan for your business is vital, especially for a small business because the right VoIP phone system… read more

7 VoIP Phone System Myths Busted

October 1st, 2021

In the current business climate, switching over to VoIP should be a no-brainer for most small businesses. However, there are still a few myths around VoIP and virtual phone numbers that can often prevent business owners from switching to a VoIP phone system. But let’s face it, we get it. We have been told that… read more

The End Of Analogue Phones, The Death Of Your Existing Handset And The Migration To VoIP

April 14th, 2020

The End Of Analogue Phones, The Death Of Your Existing Handset And The Migration To VoIP   BT are continuing their plan to shut down their traditional telephone network (ISDN) in the UK with the intention to move us all in the UK over to Internet-based telephony (VoIP).  This process has already started and by the… read more

New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prompts – Free for our customers

March 19th, 2020

To help businesses during this difficult time we have recorded a selection of Coronavirus (COVID-19) related prompts that may help you manage your customers expectations. These are listed below and you can activate them from within your account. Simply log in to your account, go to your number settings and select one of the below… read more

Top 10 free business tools every company needs

July 15th, 2019

Not all software gives you the chance to trial the product first, so how are you meant to know if it’s good for your business or not? The below list is tested software that we use and highly recommend, which is also free or free to try, bonus!   MailChimp One of the best and… read more