4 Steps to Updating Your Google Business Profile With Your Virtual Office Number!

July 31st, 2023

Now you have your new virtual office number, it’s time to add it to (or change) your Google Business profile.

If you don’t have a Google business account then your business could be at a disadvantage. It’s completely free and allows you to manage your presence on Google by listing you on Google Maps and assisting you to appear on those much-needed Google searches.

Once you have an account, it’s fairly easy to go in and change or add your virtual office number, however, to maintain quality, Google may take 3 working days to approve any changes.

If you’re not sure how to add your new number, then just follow our handy walkthrough below.


In Google, type your business into the search bar. You should then see the below page.

Type your business into the search bar as step one of adding your virtual business number.


Click on Edit your business information, as circled below.

Click on Edit your business information as step 2 of adding your virtual office number.


You should next get a box open up, click on the Contact tab. When you hover over the Phone number section, a pencil should appear which you can then click to edit.


You can then choose to add or edit your existing number. When you’re done you can press Save and voila!

You may be lucky in that your number will be published within an hour or so. If not, Google will signal your number as pending whilst it reviews it- nothing to worry about, just procedure. If after 3 working days, your new number still isn’t live, we suggest you give them a little nudge.

Want to add your virtual number to other places?

If you need a walkthrough to change your business number for any other platforms, just select the one you need below.

Bonus Business Tools 

Need help deciding on which other business tools and software would make your business run smoothly and, of course, make your life easier? Just select one of the buttons below to see our comparisons.

  • Accountancy tools
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  • Payment merchants…coming soon
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  • Printed products & marketing…coming soon
  • Business AI tools…coming soon

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