Tube strike hits commuters hardest! Can you make your meeting?

April 30th, 2014

Fall back on Con-Flab, the UK’s easiest phone conferencing application.

Thanks to the Underground strikes over the next two days, travelling through London is going to be a nightmare. Getting to work is going to be bad enough but if you need to get to meetings as well then taking a bus, cab or even trying to walk to your meetings simply aren’t going to be good enough.

Where public transport can’t help, Con-Flab can.

Set up a conference with us today and get the benefits of not missing any of your meetings without having to leave your home or office. Simply set up a conference via the website or one of the mobile apps, set up a time for your conference and then invite attendees.

A conference is free to set up so not only will it save you the price of a taxi or a bus but it’s actually cheaper than it would have been if you had been on the tube in the first place.

With Con-Flab you can benefit from:

  • Instant set up

  • Free iPhone and Android applications

  • Conference Recording

  • Landline – Mobile – International access

  • No account needed and free to use – work smart!