Posts Tagged ‘SwitchboardFREE’

Changes for customer services numbers

February 6th, 2014

Ofcom are changing the way that companies in the UK can use 0844, 0845 and 0871 numbers for customer enquiry lines thanks to the EU’s Consumer Rights Directive. If you currently offer telephone support for your existing customers via an 084 or 087 number you will need to arrange to use a different number type…. read more

Disaster Recovery – Protect your business with SwitchboardFREE

January 3rd, 2014

About the only thing you can guarantee in life is that nothing is ever going to go quite as planned. The only thing a business owner can do to ensure the unplanned problems don’t cause them trouble when they really don’t need it is to prepare your business as best as you can for the… read more

Reduce some last minute Christmas stress

December 18th, 2013

Christmas is almost here and if you’re like everyone we know, you’ve left your Christmas shopping until the very last minute. After a bit of frantic shopping around, here are our top 10 last minute Christmas gift ideas for our business associates: Of course rather than the fun, the silly and the somewhat ridiculous, maybe… read more

It’s never been easier to take your business mobile!

December 15th, 2013

Christmas is upon us and it’s almost time to relax. Because of that we have made it even easier to take your business mobile over this busy period. Since the launch of Unlimited Mobile Redirects more than 3000 of our customers have made their business mobile ready. This means that they never miss a call no… read more

Google Places for Business puts you on the map & gets your phone ringing with new business!

August 5th, 2013

So, you have signed up for a SwitchboardFREE account, your business has never enjoyed such a professional phone presence and your calls have never been this organised. Now how can you use your new numbers alongside Google Places for Business to attract new customers? See the quick guide below and use the handy links to… read more

The low down on Geographical Numbers

July 18th, 2013

I honestly can’t remember the last time I used my home phone apart from when my parents call me. They still think that mobiles can only call mobiles. That aside, I only see that small beige BT box that sits in my lounge as a gateway to the internet.  The popularity and sheer fanaticism for… read more

We put your feedback into action

July 11th, 2013

At SwitchboardFREE we always welcome hearing from our customers about what they like and dislike about our system. We know that the only way we can improve our website is by listening to what our customers want and doing our best to make their wishes a reality. With this in mind we recently sent out… read more

SwitchboardFREE launches on android

June 27th, 2013

The iPhone and iPad apps for SwitchboardFREE have been available to download for free from the App Store for a couple of years now and the development team have been working hard to get those apps to be the best apps they can possibly be. In those few years however the use of the Android… read more

SwitchboardFREE’s May Updates

May 31st, 2013

As always we have been working hard to improve our website and the SwitchboardFREE Service. You can see some of our hard work in action by looking through our May updates below.   Get a Geographical landline number (for example 0207) or an 0800 number with all the same features as our 084 numbers. We… read more

The importance of a call tracking system in your business

May 13th, 2013

Every time your customers call you, you are given the opportunity to increase your customer’s satisfaction. The more satisfied your customers are, the more likely they are to stay as your customer. Making sure that your contact centre is equipped with effective call tracking software designed mainly for increasing customer satisfaction can actually make a… read more