Posts Tagged ‘Customers’

The Importance of NEVER Missing a Business Call!

June 10th, 2019

We can all agree on the premise that without customers, you don’t have a business, right? And the key to a successful business is giving customers an exceptional service every single time they buy from you or contact you. And this isn’t just general common knowledge. There are companies that spend their time researching and… read more

5 Reasons Why You Need to Keep Your Customers Well-Informed

March 7th, 2014

In this day and age, we’re lucky that there are multiple ways to keep customers up-to-date and informed. Before the instantaneous abilities of the internet, social platforms, email and SMS, there was only the postal service, telephone calls and your local newspaper or billboard available to get your message out in 3-5 working days. Although… read more

Choosing the right number for your business-Updated 2024

March 5th, 2014

Having the right business number can make a difference in how your brand is perceived. Here’s how to choose the perfect digits.

10 reasons why customer feedback is important to us and should be to you

January 22nd, 2014

At SwitchboardFREE we are always listening to what our customers have to say because at the end of the day that is the reason why we are here, our customers. Some of our biggest improvements that we have made to our business have come from customer feedback and often they are things we would never… read more

We put your feedback into action

July 11th, 2013

At SwitchboardFREE we always welcome hearing from our customers about what they like and dislike about our system. We know that the only way we can improve our website is by listening to what our customers want and doing our best to make their wishes a reality. With this in mind we recently sent out… read more