Posts Tagged ‘Apps’

Reduce some last minute Christmas stress

December 18th, 2013

Christmas is almost here and if you’re like everyone we know, you’ve left your Christmas shopping until the very last minute. After a bit of frantic shopping around, here are our top 10 last minute Christmas gift ideas for our business associates: Of course rather than the fun, the silly and the somewhat ridiculous, maybe… read more

We put your feedback into action

July 11th, 2013

At SwitchboardFREE we always welcome hearing from our customers about what they like and dislike about our system. We know that the only way we can improve our website is by listening to what our customers want and doing our best to make their wishes a reality. With this in mind we recently sent out… read more

SwitchboardFREE launches on android

June 27th, 2013

The iPhone and iPad apps for SwitchboardFREE have been available to download for free from the App Store for a couple of years now and the development team have been working hard to get those apps to be the best apps they can possibly be. In those few years however the use of the Android… read more