Let call tracking help your business

September 17th, 2018


Call tracking records information about your phone call rather than the conversation. Using this data, it allows you to better understand how your marketing can be improved.

Web analytics vs Call analytics

Web analytics software is more well-known than call analytic software solutions. Google Analytics is a prime example of web analytics software that allows you to monitor your website and decisions based on data intelligence.


Tracking calls is similar in concept, the data generated is your call analytics and just like web software can provide you with valuable data; it can tell you how many calls were made to your number i.e your call traffic.


Why would want to track your calls?

  • If you a running TV advert competition, the call stats will let you know how many calls this add is generating
  • Are phone calls valuable to me and my business, what are they worth to me? Eg Does a call generate £50 in new business?
  • You can advertise different numbers and see which number your customers prefer to call (01, 02, 03 or 0800)
  • Compare advertising, is my Facebook ad generating more calls than my newspaper ad?


Track offline marketing

You can allocate separate phone numbers to each piece of marketing such as leaflets, posters, banners, business cards. You can track as many different forms of marketing as you would like.


By tracking your campaigns this will allow you have in-depth statistics to analyse the effectiveness of your activities to determine which is giving you the best return. With this information in hand it will allow you decided where you spend your future advertising budget.


Referrer Tracking

This is a component to use on your web page(s) that enables you to track phone calls from different web referrers.

This JavaScript component enables you to display a different telephone number based on where your visitor was referred from, allowing you to see what percentage of visitors from a particular website/page convert into a phone call.


There is no limit to the number of different referrers you can track, so for example if the majority of traffic to your website is from 6 different referrers, you can have a different number for each of them to see just how many phone calls you are receiving from the visitors they are sending your way.