How a conferencing calling can benefit your business

January 30th, 2019

With more people working from different locations within a business conference calling is more beneficial than you may realise.


Main benefits of conference calling

The main benefit is the saving in not only time but also money. If you have employees scattered across the country of even the world you can all share ideas and information without all members having to meet in one location. Meaning you don’t have to pay out any expenses for fuel, accommodation and even a meal allowance.

Conference calling is a great asset when decisions need to be made quickly. Whether it is an internal call or a call to assist a customer with an issue and it allows the customer service and technical team to assist the customer together.



How many people can join a conference call?

With Con-Flab as conferences can be from 3 people to 120 people, this ensures that whether it is small conference with heads of departments or a smaller business to large corporate businesses everyone can be included.

You can even give individuals ‘listen only’ entrance meaning they can listen into the discussion within the conference but aren’t able to talk – ideal for that team member that doesn’t know when to subject has come to an end!


International callers want to join the conference?

No problem! We give them a specific number to call to ensure they can join the conference and be part of the discussions.


How much does it cost?

The conference is completely free irrelevant of how many participants you have.

Many other conference providers require payment details to create a conference and then expect the participants to call and expensive short-code costing 15p a minute. With Con-Flab we give mobile users an 0333 number (to use from their inclusive minutes) to join the conference!

To easily set up a conference visit or call the support team on 0844 884 5100