Time is Tight
The best laid plans can have delays and snags, as you more than likely already know. It takes patience to get a business up and running or when you need your free numbers for an important advertising campaign. Only you know when the time is right for you.
We are very aware that your plans may change and that’s why, once you have adopted your free numbers, we don’t expect you to start using them immediately.
More Power to your Elbow
This is a free product, there isn’t any commitment required from you and you will not receive any nasty surprising bills once you have signed up.
You will have access to many incomparable free features such as Google Analytics, which will put a spring in your step and a purr in your business engine.
Whys and Wherefores
What we do ask in return is that if you don’t intend to use your number straight away, then to call the ‘phone numbers once a month for five minutes. We need you to do this because we have to prove that your numbers are in use in order for us to keep them.
We send reminders to you if the lines have not been used after 30, 40, 50 and then 60 days. If we’ve had to take your telephone numbers back, then they are held in situ for around six months. If, within 28 days of being removed, you ask for a number to be reinstated, this can usually be achieved.
Reasons to be Cheerful
It is usual to cynical and suspicious about everything after empty promises and half truths you mainly find on the internet, and we appreciate exactly where you are coming from.
There are many reasons that people sign up for their numbers and then have concerns and decide not to use them. People are afraid to start using the system in case they suddenly receive a hideous bill, don’t trust the system or are not sure how to use and configure their switchboard.
Do not be afraid! You don’t require an IT degree to get you through! If you need any help, regarding anything with the system, then call our fabulously friendly support team on 0844 884 3010. I would say at any time, but the support team are in fact UK based human beings who are occasionally allowed to go home, eat and sleep. They do know the meaning of customer service though which, tends a bit of a rarity.
Ring the Changes
So, if you need assistance or have any questions, cannot find the answer on the website or just feel you would like to have a chat before commencing, give us a call.
If you’re not ready to use the numbers, but will need them in future, please let us know.
If you no longer require your numbers or decide not use them and are sure that having useful technology for free at your fingertips is not for you, please contact us so that we can re-allocate the numbers.
We don’t bite – not unless you ask us to!