Here is the Difference Between 0330 Numbers and 0333 Numbers
If you’ve read our updated blog What are 03 Numbers and How to Get One you may now wonder what the difference between 0330 numbers and 0333 numbers is. If so, you’re not alone. Many UK residents and business owners struggle to understand the difference between these two non-geographic numbers. In this guide, we’ll clear up the confusion and help you choose the right option for you and your business.
What are 0330 numbers?
0330 numbers are part of the UK’s non-geographic number system. Because of this, they offer a national presence without being tied to a specific location. You could work from your shed at the bottom of your garden in the Outer Hebrides and no one would know!
Key features of 0330 numbers:
- Costs the same as calling standard local landline numbers such as those beginning 01 or 02
- Often included in mobile and landline phone contract minutes – so essentially free to call
- Commonly used by businesses & organisations
What are 0333 numbers?
0333 numbers are also non-geographic. They share many similarities with 0330 numbers but have some subtle differences.
Key features of 0333 numbers:
- Costs the same as calling standard landlines local landline numbers such as those beginning 01 or 02
- Included in most mobile & landline phone contract minutes – so essentially free
- Often used by larger corporations, specific services & sometimes government bodies

The difference between 0330 Numbers & 0333 Numbers
While the 0330 and 0333 numbers are very similar, you’ll see below that there are some distinctions:
- Common perception: 0330 numbers appear more official, often associated with non-profit organisations such as charities. In contrast, 0333 numbers are widely seen as professional & versatile, fitting for businesses of all sizes.
- Availability: Introduced in 2007, 0330 numbers seem more commonplace & can sometimes blend into the background. On the other hand, 0333 numbers stand out in recognition for their association with established businesses & services.
- Usage: 0333 numbers are preferred by larger businesses & for specific services, but they are also an excellent choice for small & medium enterprises aiming to convey a strong, professional image.
Costs & charges for 0330 & 0333 numbers
One of the main concerns for users (and potentially your customers) is understanding the costs associated with calling these numbers. Mostly both 0330 & 0333, these are generally the same.
- For callers: Same as standard local landline rates, or free if these rates are included in call bundles
- For businesses: Often cheaper to rent than traditional geographic numbers. At switchboardFREE, you can have a 0333 number as your inclusive free virtual number. Any additional ones are from £1.99 per month
Common Misconceptions
There are some myths about the 03 numbers that are currently floating around the internet. We’ve busted the popular ones for you below.
- They’re premium rate: False. Both 0330 & 0333 numbers cost the same as standard local landlines
- They’re always free to call: Not true. While they’re often included in contract minutes, pay-as-you-go users may incur charges
- Only big businesses can use them: Anyone can buy these numbers for personal or business use

Other 03 numbers
There is a very common 0345 number that we have so far omitted from this blog, along with the 0300 number. And if you have ever considered one of these for you or your business, then you might want to read the answers to these common FAQs:
Are 0300 numbers free?
Because the 0300 number has the same format as the commonly free 0800 number, people often ask this. However, the 0300 numbers carry the same local charge as the 0333 and 0330 numbers.
Who can have a 0300 number?
These numbers are difficult to get hold of as they are usually reserved for government departments and charity organisations. Even here at SwitchboardFREE, we don’t supply 0300 numbers.
Are 0345 numbers free?
Because the 0345 number is one digit out of the premium rate 0845 number, people often wonder about the 0345 cost. The great news is that calling 0345 numbers costs the same as any local rate number. But, is 0345 free? Technically if you have an inclusive minute call plan any 03 number is free.
Who can have a 0345 number?
These numbers can be hard to purchase as they were initially rolled out to replace the 0845 numbers. They’re available to any business but can be prohibitive due to the cost. At SwitchboardFREE, we don’t supply 0345 numbers as we don’t view them as beneficial.
What’s the difference between the 0330, 0333, 0300 & 0345 numbers?
The only difference between these 4 numbers is their intended use. 0300 and 0345 for government and charities, 0330 for the perception of being long established, and 0333 for the illusion of big business.
How to choose between the 03 Numbers
As a business with decades of telecom experience, we’ve found that businesses gain more benefits from choosing an 0330 or 0333 number. This is because 0300 is hard to secure being reserved mainly for the public sector and charities and the 0345 puts callers off as it looks alarmingly similar to the costly 0845 numbers. It’s for these very reasons that SwitchboardFREE offers neither of these numbers.
So which of which should you choose? The 0330 or 0333? Here are some things to consider before making your final decision:
- Your target audience
- The image you want to project
- Availability of memorable number combinations
Your target audience and how you want them to perceive you are of the utmost importance to any business looking to be successful. On top of that, even in an age where our phone numbers are in our hands, an instantly memorable number can place you far above your competition.
While the key difference between 0330 numbers and 0333 numbers is minimal for most users, given the choice, we believe that 0333 numbers offer a superior edge. They provide a professional, trustworthy appearance and are widely recognised, making them an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes looking to make a strong first and lasting impression.

Understanding the difference between 0330 and 0333 numbers can help you make an informed choice for your business or personal use. Both offer national presence and standard calling rates. However, the 0333 number is the better choice for most businesses. It conveys a professional and versatile image, making it suitable for companies of all sizes. Additionally, its wide recognition and association with established businesses enhance credibility and trustworthiness.
At SwitchboardFREE, we offer 0333 digits to suit your needs. Our team can help you choose the best option and set up your new number quickly and easily.