10 Epic Movie Calls That Make Your Business Senses Tingle!
Lights. Camera. Phone Call! We’ve a little something different for you from today’s blog. All because we want to show you that we’re not all work and no play! In fact, it’s important to take a break and have some fun. This week, therefore, we thought we’d share with you some film insights that are sure to get your business senses tingling!
Films have a magical way of transporting us into different worlds via storylines. Moreover, they make us wish for something better, or just different in life. Often, we fixate on the big action sequences or romantic moments. So we forget that some of the most memorable scenes revolve around a simple phone call. For instance, the most famous, most meme’d and most GIF’d across the internet is Jerry Maguire’s “Show me the money!”

These seemingly ordinary conversations can pack a punch and propel the plot forward. In addition, they reveal character depths and build up exciting tension that leaves us on the edge of our seats. After putting aside the remakes (that no one asked for – don’t get us started!) we’ve managed to find some great examples.
Now is the time to go and grab yourself some popcorn and get yourself nice and comfortable. Are you Ready? Excellent! Now you can explore with us the ten iconic business phone calls from movies that make our entrepreneurial senses tingle!
Quick disclaimer: We’ve included YouTube clips of each film scene. Some of these include insults and profanity. Please do not click and watch the videos if you are offended or triggered by such words or in a public space.
1. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Jordan Belfort’s masterful stock pitch.
Set in the morally questionable world of Wall Street in the 1990s, this film follows the rise and fall of stockbroker Jordan Belfort. However, amongst the chaos and excess, there is one scene that stands out – Jordan’s masterful stock pitch. And it’s here that we see him use his charisma and bravado, to weave a tantalizing tale. As a result, this makes his co-workers take note and watch as he lures potential clients into his web of deceit.
Jordan’s phone call is a masterclass in salesmanship albeit a completely unethical one. Nevertheless, his impressive ability to captivate and manipulate through words alone leaves audiences impressed and unsettled. Additionally, this scene perfectly captures the allure and danger of the high-stakes finance world. A world where a persuasive pitch can make or break fortunes.
Most memorable phone call quote:
“I never ask my clients to judge me on my winners. I ask them to judge me on my losers because I have so few.”

2. Jerry Maguire (1996)
Jerry’s emotional plea to Rod Tidwell.
In this sports romantic comedy-drama combo, Tom Cruise portrays Jerry Maguire, a sports agent who has an epiphany. As a result, this leads him to quit his well-paid yet amoral job and risk everything to start his own management firm. However, he only has one client, Rod Tidwell, played by Cuba Gooding Jr. Consequently, the infamous and climactic phone call scene is a raw, emotional rollercoaster as Jerry pleads with Rod to stay with him.
This conversation is a pivotal turning point in the film. Not only does it show the audience the vulnerability and passion of both characters, but Jerry’s desperation to keep his only client is palpable, while Rod’s frustration and desire for recognition are powerful. Furthermore, it’s the “Show me the money!” quote that perfectly encapsulates the high-stakes negotiations and raw emotions of the business world.
Most memorable phone call quote:
“Show me the money! Show me the moneeeeeeyyyyyyyyy!”

3. Tropic Thunder (2008)
Les Grossman vs. Flaming Dragon.
Ben Stiller’s riotous satire serves up the pure ego, excess and insular nature of the entertainment industry on a boundary-pushing platter. And, what better way to do that than allowing a group of pampered actors to find themselves caught in the middle of a real-life drug war whilst filming an actual war movie. Comedy gold!
One of the most hilarious and over-the-top scenes involves the brutally honest studio executive, Les Grossman. Played by Tom Cruise, he delivers a masterclass in intimidation with profanity-laced insults via telephone to the Flaming Dragon gang. Moreover, Grossman’s blunt, no-nonsense approach and utter disregard for politeness perfectly capture the cutthroat nature of the film industry. Consequently, this scene is a comedic highlight, reminding us that sometimes, in business, you need to channel your inner Les Grossman and get things done, no matter how outrageous the methods. Although, we recommend you leave out the threats of violence!
Most memorable phone call quote:
“I will ma$ac*re you! I will F*&k you up!”

4. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Chris Gardner’s life-changing call to Walter Ribbon.
This heartwarming and inspirational film follows the true story of Chris Gardner played by Will Smith. Initially struggling to create a better life for himself and his son, their lives change forever because of one daring cold sales phone call. Specifically, Gardner musters up the courage to make an impromptu sales pitch to a potential client, Walter Ribbon (Kurt Fuller). Despite being caught off guard, Gardner delivers an impassioned and persuasive pitch. Consequently, he impresses Walter with his determination and quick thinking. Walter is so taken aback by Gardner’s tenacity that he invites him to make a proper presentation at his office the same day.
This phone call is a testament to Gardner’s perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. And despite his life-limiting circumstances, Gardner manages to maintain a professional and composed demeanour. This shows his complete commitment to achieving his dreams. Gardner’s actions remind us that every phone call is an opportunity. And with the right mindset and preparation, even the most challenging situations can be overcome.
Most memorable phone call quote:
“Er, yes Mr. Ribbon. I would love to have the opportunity to sit with you to discuss some of our products. And I’m certain that I could be of some assistance to you.”

5. The Founder (2016)
Ray Kroc’s business lesson to the McDonald Brothers.
This biographical drama tells the story of Ray Kroc. Kroc is the businessman who transformed McDonald’s from a small burger place into a global fast-food empire. In a pivotal scene, Ray delivers a harsh business lesson to the McDonald brothers over the phone. As a result, the conversation reveals his ruthless ambition and willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed.
Ray’s phone call is a chilling reminder of the cutthroat nature of business and the lengths some will go to achieve their goals. Undeniably, his brutal honesty and disregard for ethical boundaries are both shocking and fascinating to audiences. This scene perfectly captures the essence of a ruthless entrepreneur who will stop at nothing to conquer the market. Even if it does mean trampling on others in the process.
Most memorable phone call quote:
“Business is war. Dog eats dog, rat eats rat. If my competitor were drowning, I’d walk over and put a hose right in his mouth…can you say the same?”

6. Wall Street (1987)
Wake-up call from Gordon Gekko.
This financial drama sees the charismatic but morally bankrupt corporate raider Gordon Gekko take young stockbroker, Bud Fox, under his wing. One of the most memorable scenes is Gekko’s wake-up call to Bud. It ignites his ambition, pulling him deeper into the seductive world of greed and excess.
Gekko’s phone call is a masterclass in manipulation and seduction. His smooth, calculated words promise wealth and power, luring Bud into a world of temptation. This scene perfectly encapsulates the allure of the high-stakes finance world. A place where the promise of riches can blind even the most principled individuals to ethical boundaries.
Most memorable phone call quote:
“I’m going to make you rich, Bud Fox. Rich enough that you can afford a girl like Darien. This is your wake-up call, pal. Go to work.”

7. Boiler Room (2000)
Chris Varick sales call.
Set in the world of shady stock brokerage firms, this film follows a group of young, ambitious salesmen who employ unethical tactics to push questionable investments. One pivotal scene is a sales call made by Seth Davis and Chris Varick. Together, their tactical teaming showcases the performative nature involved in the perfect upsell in the world of stocks and shares.
Verick’s part of the phone call is tense. It’s a high-wire act, as he navigates the deplorable yet delicate balance between persuasion, manipulation and outright deception. Moreover, this scene perfectly captures the adrenaline rush and ethical compromises that often come with high-pressure sales environments. As a result, this scene becomes a cautionary tale about the slippery slope of crossing moral boundaries in pursuit of success.
Most memorable phone call quote:
“Since you’re a new account, I can’t go any higher than 2000 shares. I’m sorry.”

8. The Big Short (2015)
Mark Baum and the risk assessors scene.
This drama-comedy offers a unique perspective on the 2008 financial crisis. It follows a group of outsiders who predicted and profited from the collapse of the U.S. housing market. One standout scene involves Mark Baum (Steve Carell), a hedge fund manager. He instructs his team to confront the risk assessors who failed to identify the looming crisis.
Baum’s phone call is a raw, visceral moment that highlights the fury and disillusionment felt by those who saw what was coming but were ignored by the establishment. Undoubtedly, this scene perfectly portrays the frustration of being a voice in the wilderness, and the lengths some individuals will go to expose systemic flaws, even at the risk of ruffling feathers.
Most memorable phone call quote: “Ok, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk assessors to f*&k off…”

9. Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Cassius Green’s surreal phone call.
This wildly satirical dark comedy follows the life of Cassius Green (Lakeith Stanfield). Green is a telemarketer who discovers the key to success is using his ‘white voice’ on calls. One of the most surreal and memorable scenes involves Green making a bizarre phone call while adopting a white man’s persona. Consequently, this alone showcases the film’s alternative humour and commentary on race and corporate culture.
Green’s phone call is a strange and unsettling moment that perfectly captures the film’s offbeat sensibilities. It’s a clever satire on the artificial personas and code-switching often required in corporate environments. And to watch it on screen leaves viewers both entertained and slightly uncomfortable. As a result, this scene is a reminder that sadly at times the business world can be dehumanising yet sometimes you have to embrace the absurd to get ahead.
Most memorable phone call quote: “Tim, I want to chop it up more, but I gotta get to my squash game. Was that Visa or Mastercard?”

10. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)
Telemarketer training.
This heartwarming comedy-drama follows a group of British retirees who travel to India to stay at a less-than-luxurious retirement home. One standout scene involves a telemarketer training session. The participants practice making mock sales calls, showcasing their varied levels of enthusiasm and skill.
While not as dramatic or consequential as some of the other phone calls on our list, this scene involving Evelyn Greenslade (Judi Dench) as the ‘tutor’ serves as a reminder. A reminder that not all business interactions need to be intense or high-stakes to be memorable. Sometimes, the most enduring moments come from the simple, relatable experiences that we can all recognize and laugh at.
Most importantly this scene reinforces the importance of authenticity, kindness and even wit when trying to connect with another person, even if it’s to make a sale.
Most memorable phone call quote: “It sounds amazing, hang up now!”

We were going to stop at 10 movies. But how could we offer up a title with business senses and tingle without covering a Spiderman film? We couldn’t!
That would just be mean!
11. Spiderman 3 (2007)
High blood pressure for J. Jonah Jameson.
While not a traditional business film, the Spiderman franchise offers a memorable scene that ties (somewhat loosely!) with our blog’s title. In this instalment, we see the Daily Bugle’s publisher, J. Jonah Jameson. We witness him dealing with a stressful situation in his office involving his phone.
This interaction isn’t technically a phone call. But Jameson finds himself forced to communicate with his assistant through the phone’s intercom. Much to Jameson’s frustration, his assistant relays reminders from his wife whilst he is trying to conduct business. This back-and-forth exemplifies the enduring appeal of well-executed comedic moments in films. And the importance of moments of pure, unadulterated entertainment.
Most memorable phone call quote: “TELL MY WIFE, thank you!”

What was designed as a humble communication device more than 100 years ago has brought dramatic tension, suspense, excitement and unforgettable quotes onto our screens and into our lives.
From the slick salesmanship of Jordan Belfort to the raw vulnerability of Jerry Maguire, and the absurd humour of Cassius Green, these iconic movie phone calls have left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. They remind us that sometimes, the most ordinary conversations can become extraordinary. They can reveal the depths of human character, the complexities of business dealings, and the sheer power of words.
These scenes transcend their cinematic origins. They offer valuable lessons and insights into the high-stakes world of business. They showcase the art of persuasion, the consequences of unchecked ambition, and the resilience required to navigate the treacherous waters of corporate life. Whether it’s a masterful pitch, a desperate plea, or a scathing rebuke, these phone calls remind us that in the business world, every conversation is an opportunity to shape narratives, forge alliances, or topple empires.
Just think…
If our iconic movie characters had access to VoIP call management features. Call recording could have allowed Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street to archive his masterful pitches for training and legal purposes, while Chris Gardner in The Pursuit of Happyness could have used recordings of his pivotal call to Walter Ribbon as motivational artefacts. Call screening would have helped Jerry Maguire prioritize important clients like Rod Tidwell, reducing stress and chaos, and Ray Kroc in The Founder could have filtered distractions to focus on strategic conversations driving McDonald’s expansion.
On-hold music might have added professionalism to Gordon Gekko’s tense negotiations in Wall Street, keeping targets engaged, and in Boiler Room, soothing tunes could maintain potential clients’ interest, reducing hang-ups and increasing conversions. Open and call times could have brought structure to Mark Baum’s schedule in The Big Short, ensuring focused conversations, and helped Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder manage his temper before his notorious tirades.
By integrating these features, our characters could have enhanced their communication strategies and achieved greater efficiency. As we embrace the fusion of technology and business, let’s take a cue from these cinematic moments. So, the next time you find yourself on an important call, remember the iconic words of Gordon Gekko, or even J. Jonah Jameson. (Not Grossman, though!) Channel their energy, their passion, and their unwavering determination. Then, use call management tools to ensure your conversations make an impact and bring you closer to your success story. And who knows? Your next phone call might just become the pivotal turning point in your life or business.
So, do your business senses feel ready to make good things happen?